Apricot oil has a profound nutty flavor, that’s why it is used for cooking and food making purposes in the household, like using as an ingredient in food recipes, desserts, etc. Apricot oil shares most of the properties of almond oil. Like almond oil, apricot oil also comes in two varieties, i.e. edible apricot oil (which is similar to the sweet almond oil and can be used similarly for cooking and skin care purposes), and cosmetic apricot oil (which can only be used for industrial applications).
The oil is very versatile and can be used in different ways for different health benefits. If you like nuts and related products, but have an allergic history with them, than apricot oil is the answer for you, as it can provide a similar flavor and texture of sweet almond oil but the propensity for creating an allergic reaction. It is multi-purpose cooking oil. It composes high level of monounsaturated fatty acids, which are good for the cardiovascular system of our body as it lowers LDL, and blood pressure, and ensures healthy working of the heart. It contains composition is approx 60% of monounsaturated fat, 30% of polyunsaturated fat, and 6% of saturated fat.
The thin texture of oil allows it to get deep inside the skin, which provides great nourishment to the rough and dry areas of the skin. It soothes the skin from deep within. It provides relief in irritation, and itching, cures allergies, and can stop the appearance of wrinkles and signs of aging. That’s why it is the most preferred oil for massage and in combination with other skin care oils for aromatherapy. Further, it carries, anti-septic, anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, and anti-oxidant properties. We are along the top-producers of organic apricot oil in India. We produce and offer organic apricot oil in bulk. If you are interested in purchase of organic apricot oil, you can contact us anytime for quotations.
Please contact us for more information.