Red kidney beans are known as ‘rajma’ in India and they form an important part of a vegetarian diet due to their excellent protein content Kidney beans are full of potassium, magnesium, iron and protein. Kidney beans also have several disease-fighting antioxidants that promote a healthy and strong immunity.
Prevents diabetes- Red kidney beans fall in the category of low glycemic index foods and they do not increase the blood glucose levels post meal in diabetic. Also, they contain good quality carbohydrates and lean protein which makes them a healthy option.
Red kidney beans have two amino acids which regulate insulin levels – arginine and leucine are present abundantly in red kidney beans.
Lowers cholesterol levels- Rajma is a tremendous source of soluble fibre which helps to lower cholesterol levels.
Prevents hypertension – Nutritious red kidney beans are also a very good source of potassium and magnesium along with soluble fibre and protein
Helps lose weight-These fibre-rich beans when consumed, occupy a lot of space in the stomach thus providing a feeling of fullness for a longer period of time and they are low in fat too.
Strengthens the immune system- The health benefits of rajma are not just limited to its fibre and protein content as it is full of antioxidants too. Antioxidants are also believed to have anti-ageing properties.
Cancer Prevention- Kidney beans are loaded with manganese that act as an antioxidant defense (1). This also contains vitamin K that is known to protect your cells from oxidative stress and further reduce the risks of cancer.
Brain Function- Red kidney beans have vitamin K in abundance that is very beneficial for the brain and nervous system.
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